Flora and Diversity of Taiwanese Pteridophytes

Doubtfully recorded name

Polypodiopsida 水龍骨綱 > Polypodiidae 水龍骨亞綱 > Polypodiales 水龍骨目 > Pteridineae 鳳尾蕨亞目 > Pteridaceae 鳳尾蕨科 > Pteridoideae 鳳尾蕨亞科 > Onychium 金粉蕨屬

Onychium lucidum (D.Don) Spreng.


NEPAL, Hamilton s.n. (HT: BM)
Homotypic synonym
Leptostegia lucida D.Don
Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze var. lucidum (D.Don) Christ
Heterotypic synonym
Onychium dulongjiangense W.M.Chu
Onychium japonicum (Thunb.) Kunze var. intermedia C.B.Clarke
Excluded name
Onychium contiguum Wall ex C.Hope